Colby the Audiophile

Monday, May 23, 2005

The long awaited 4th post.

Well, I suppose its time to update now that a few events have transpired in my life.

To begin with, I went to see Star Wars - Episode III, and I must say that I was pleasantly surprised. Lucas did an incredible job of taking the disappointing first episodes and somehow tying them into the the beloved "middle" episodes rather seamlessly. All in all, I've gotta say that just about all my questions were answered (or should I say answers were questioned since I knew the outcome before the initial case?). My main gripe concerns R2-D2 and his uncanny sense of droid combat as well as Darth Vader and my own perception of a size inconsistency... which few of my friends seem to agree on. Also, I wanted to know a little bit more about Chewbacca and how he and Han got together... but oh well. You would think that since Star Wars has a considerably larger following than LOTR, Lucas would have used his 20 years to build the most comprehensive story possible to appease all of his fans. I mean, this movie was only 2 hours and 20 minutes long.... The Return of the King (although this was obnoxiously long) was nearly 4 hours, but it was complete in almost every way imaginable. George- I've gotta say, even though I enjoyed your saga much more, Peter Jackson did do a better job of tying his stories together and leaving no room for error.

Ok, now that it is officially established that I am a nerd/dork/geek, I'm going to switch topics over to my new job, which I started today. Audio Connections is a cool place. I get 5% commission on whatever I sell. Cool. However, I don't actually get to start selling on my own for a week or two, at least not until I figure out how to sell stuff better, but I'm sure you all know how that goes, and if you don't I don't really care.

Ok, this post is starting to get a bit long and all you avid readers out there know how much I hate rambling, so I will sign off for now.

Until next time, I bid you adieu...


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